Does God care which denomination I belong to?

God cares about the entire "church," which consists of all true believers regardless what denomination they belong to. God sent His Son to establish the true church. You can be a part of to that church─the body of Christ─simply by accepting the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers to each and every person. Jesus did not come to earth, draw men unto to himself and then say, "Okay, you Methodists go over there, and you Lutherans go over there." In fact, His purpose was to unify all people. Galatians 3:28 says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

The denominational tug-of-war began when men got too involved in the minor issues and forgot to focus on the majors. Churches began to be built upon their unique spin on doctrines or traditions, instead of on the simple saving grace of Jesus Christ. Denominational differences have caused innumerable conflicts and divisions among believers. That is not God's will for the church!

God calls us to be united in serving Him. "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). He is not interested in which denomination you belong to. He desires that you love Him and serve Him faithfully. But we must be concerned that the church we are involved is a true Bible teaching church and not an apostate church that no longer adheres to biblical principles set-forth by the Lord in the Holy Scriptures.