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Rapture Ready News
News that relates to Bible prophecy (Daily)
Nearing Midnight In depth weekly commentary (Dec 27)
The Rapture Index Gauging the progression of prophecy (Dec 27)
End Time News Bites Quick reviews of world events (Dec 28)
Interesting E-mail Both the pro andthe con (Dec 6)
Prophetic Top Ten The top ranked news items (Dec 6)
Rapture Ready Bulletin Board A very active message board
The Best Of The Christian Classics Church leaders of all ages
Who's Who Of Prophecy Noteworthy people in Bible prophecy
Hal Lindsey Oracle Cartoons Designed by John Rule
The Soapbox Articles submitted by readers
Donation Depot Why we need your financial support


The Newest Articles

Rapture Ready Online Store Gift shop items
Four-Year Forecast A biblical forecast of world events
T. S. Linscott His book on Christian living
Media Interviews Encounters we've had with reporters
The Armageddon ClockWhat time is it?
Would Jesus Vote Republican? Politics and moral issues
Memorandum A note from those who have vanished
Everybody Loves AHypocrite What would we do without them?
The Bird Cage The need for moral canaries


The Pretribulation Rapture

My Fascination With The Pre-Trib Rapture
HowI stay focused
ThePretribulation Rapture The main reason of thisweb site
DefendingThe Pre-Trib Rapture Replies to some of the attacks
TheDates Setters Diary Failed rapture and end-timepredictions
ImminencyThe heart of pretribulationism
WhatSecret Rapture? Will the unbelievers takenotice?
MargaretMacDonald Who? The pre-trib rapture originator?
Preterism!I Can't Believe It Refuting the 70 AD claims
In Case Of RaptureThe post-rapture propagation of this site
The Think-Not Generation Apathy as a sign of the end
The Last Generation Are we the last generation?
Jesus Prophesied the Rapture Olivet Discourse and the rapture


The Tribulation Hour

European Union In Prophecy Europe’s importance to prophecy
Iraq in Prophecy Why Iraq is a keyend time player
The Campaign Of Armageddon A detailed study of this event
TribulationSaint Wannabes Sober words for shallow thinkers


Information For Those Left Behind

The Left Behind Letters
Reachingout to the tribulation saints
Oops,I Guess I Wasn't Ready! What to do if you missthe rapture
ThePost Rapture Survival Guide What to do if youmiss the rapture
SecondChance for Salvation After the rapture, there isstill hope


Understanding Bible Based Truth

Your Final Final Final Warning
This time we're serious
UnderstandingTruth How to go about finding truth
SevenMajor Approaches to Prophecy How people interpret scripture
NothingNew Under The Sun How to stay out of trouble
TooOptimistic How people can become prisoners ofoptimism
God'sBillionaires Where do you store your treasure?
SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousismJust keep it simple
TheWolf Wolf Factor Turning false predictions intotrue warnings
InstantaneousNullification It shall all pass away
ProphecyFrom The Past How people viewed prophecy 100years ago
TheDead Frog Report How we as a society have gotteninto hot water
ContrarianismThe likelihood of the unlikely occurring
ScaryScary Stuff Sometimes there's a good reason tobe scared
Money: The Heart of the Matter The search for true wealth
Donuts in HeavenSetting your end-time priorities
Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid Strange brews and strange doctrines


Salvation Issues

Are You Rapture Ready?
The most important decision you can make
EternalSecurity Debate Why faith demandsresponsibility
WalkingOn Water There are difficulties andobstacles to overcome
TestimoniesHow some folks came to know Jesus


Keeping Track Of God's Adversaries

Defendingthe Faith
The Number Of The Beast The meaning of the number 666
The Antichrist; Have You Seen This Man? A list of popular names
Heresy Hunters Be Gone Someday we will be gone
Satan's Little Helpers The liberal media who else could it be
I'm A Better Christian than You Theslightly more sanctified crowd
The Teachings of Islam Quotes taken from Islamic writings
My Theories About Conspiracy Theories My witness (Deut. 19:15)
Myths and Facts about Israel Sorting truth from fiction


Featured End Time Writers

Daymond Duck   Selected sermons by Pastor Duck
Randall Price An expert on Israel and biblical archaeology
David Reagan Theking of plainspoken prophetic commentary
JosephChambers The classical Pentecostal preacher
TheThomas Ice Collection The pre-trib heavyArtillery
The Ray Brubaker Files Founder of God News Behindthe News
The Kent Crockett Compilation The pastor ofCornerstone Church
ThyKingdom Come The teachings of Charles Pack and Phil Goodman
TheTerry James Gang Choice selections from author William T. James
TomSteward The creator of the website: What Saith The Scripture
DaveHunt One of America's leading Bible apologists
BettyLynn Author and research editor of several projects


Other Languages

Spanish - Espanol
A Spanish translation of some key articles
French - Français A French translation of some key articles
German - Deutsch A German translation of some key articles


General Topics

The King James Bible Theking of Bible translations
End Time Ailments And Conditions Illnesses related to prophecy
King James Onlyism The Bible translation controversy
This Old Planet The debate over the earth’s age
Evolutionism vs. Creationism Why faith is a better option
HumorBreak Life is not all gloom and doom
It'sThe End Of The World As We Know It I'm notworried
RaptureReady Scripture References 53 categories ofreadiness
WhoIs This Joker? A little bit about myself
TotterTopple Tumble Tilt A submission page for errors
Cock-A-Doodle-DooCrowing the triumph of truth
TheLink Page Links to several well-known prophecyweb sites

Email Contacts

Todd Strandberg – Rapture Ready founder: 

Terry James – Partner in crime: 

Several people have asked me if they could reproduce articles found on this web page. I always say, "Yes of course." In fact, readers may disseminate this information via mail, e-mail, airmail, oral conversation, billboards, carrier pigeons, pony express, smoke signals; by means of telephone, television, telegraph, teletype; through Braille, sign language, placing messages in bottles, drum beats, books, CD's, radio, and telepathyfor you New Age folks. Ifthe rapture should take place, resulting in my absence, it will become necessary for tribulation saints to mirror or financially support this site.

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